Oh, don’t worry. I got my licks in, too, but it was only because I have a bowhunter’s mentality and started turkey hunting as if I were bowhunting mature whitetails. That is to say, I found places where the birds were crossing fence lines heading back to their roost, built some ground blinds and waited them patiently out. And I also put the sneak on a big gobbler strutting in a wheat field next to the edge of a wooded creek channel. I killed that 4 year old at eight steps. But none of it was classic turkey hunting like you see on the cable hunting TV shows. No gadgets, specialty items or high-tech devices we've used to chase down my birds.
The famous conservationist, writer and sportsman Aldo Leopold once wrote that the nimrods of his era were becoming a gang of “gadgeteers,” more enamored with their toys than becoming skilled woodsmen. I am pretty much the anti-gadgeteer, unless a new high-tech whatchamacallit proves its worth to me. One of those gadgets is the modern GPS unit. I have not found a more useful tool in many a year.
The GPS can help you get found if you become lost. It can also mark downed big-game animals that have to be packed out later without worrying about leaving a trail of bright flagging. It has a 101 uses, and the newest units are simple to use.
We used them turkey hunting for several things. The most important was the ability to roost a gobbler and mark both his exact tree and, even better, the exact spot where I wanted to set up in the dark to try and catch him as he flew down off the roost at first light. No need to alert him with a flashlight, no need to make a lot of noise getting settled in, just read the unit and follow the trail and you’re ready. Other times, we’d get into a new area in the early afternoon, mark the truck on the GPS and head off. When we saw or heard turkeys, we chased them wherever, with no fear of not being to find the truck again in the flat, brush-choked terrain. I doubt I’ll be hunting much without one anymore.
Trainham made a great point about gadgets. “There is no substitution for woodsmanship when hunting,” he observed. “Too many folks believe they can buy all this fancy stuff and become Daniel Boone overnight, but that isn’t the way it is." A GPS can simplify things and be helpful, he said, but hunters still need to know how to locate birds and know what to do once they find them. "You cannot buy that knowledge at any price.”
Truer words were never spoken.