The Summary: Fox News’ Douglas Kennedy blogs about the joys of hunting, and informs readers of a pending ballot initiative that could guarantee the right to hunt in South Carolina into the future. If it passes it would make the state the 10th state to do so. Kennedy also mentions that some radical groups, such as PETA, oppose this measure.
The AntiQuote: “If we're going to have the right to hunt and fish,” said [PETA spokesperson Ryan] Huling, “why not have the right to shop and golf?
Jeff’s Take: Well, Mr. Huling, that’s because nobody’s trying to ban shopping or golf. Fact is,hunting benefits wildlife and society, and because left wing radical whack-jobs are trying to ban the fun- and food-producing way of life, states are preemptively passing right-to-hunt Constitutional amendments with the NRA’s help.
Recommended Gear: S.C. lifetime hunting license; Winchester Model 70 rifle
Alternate Headline: The Right to Hunt, Guaranteed