Chris Cheng, an amateur shooter who won Season 4 of the popular History Channel reality series "Top Shot," spoke Saturday to a packed room of people anxious to hear how a project manager from Google and amateur shooter actually knocked off a slew of professional shooters.
Cheng said he actually didn't shoot much before entering the competition. Once he auditioned, he said, he spent about 25 hours a week training to shoot for the next five months. That served him well. As a project manager in the IT world, he said, the ability to multi-task was one thing. He knew as a shooter, he needed to learn to prioritize better. His firearm training helped him focus on the core fundamentals of marksmanship: sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control and breathing control.
Cheng said marksmanship improves other parts of life, and he's proof. He now knows how to apply skills from the range to personal and professional life. He is able to apply singular focus to the task at hand. In fact his focus on anything is now improved, he said. Lastly, he sees now how shooting is yoga for many of us.