This year marks the inaugural offering of Franchi’s Companion shotgun series celebrating the bond between gundog and hunter via detailed engravings on one of the company’s popular shotguns, with the Labrador Retriever featured on the Affinity 3 leading off the pending annual series. Along with the engravings on its nickel-colored receiver, the Affinity 3 Companion features AA-Grade satin walnut stock and foreend with cut checkering, a gold trigger and “2019 Limited Edition” engraved on the underside of the receiver. Available in 12- and 20-gauge with 3-inch chambers, the inertia-driven, lightweight Affinity 3 Companion sports a chromed-lined barrel, TSA recoil pad, enlarged loading port and oversized bolt handle and release. Future offerings will include German Shorthaired Pointers, English Setters, American Pointers and Brittany Spaniels. The 2020 featured dog is set to be officially unveiled later in 2019. Learn more about it in the video embedded above. MSRP: $1,599;
Video: Franchi Affinity 3 Companion Series
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