Those attending the 143rd NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits still have time to enter the drawing to win a $500 shopping spree from Galco Gunleather. Visit Galco at booth 5464 to sign up for your chance to win.
NRA member Sean McNabb from Indianapolis knows exactly how he would spend the money if he were the lucky winner. Browsing through the Galco catalog with his wife and daughter, he points to his choice.
"I need a left-hand holster for my Ruger P944," he says, "and I'd really like to try a shoulder holster."
Visitors to the Galco booth get to look over hundreds of holsters and other leather accessories, as well as try them out with training pistols. They can also meet authors Mike Detty, Tom McHale and Britney Starr, and firearm instructors Kathy Jackson and James Yeager.